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Status ![]() | Schema Type ![]() | Name ![]() | Used-In ![]() | Definition ![]() |
New | attribute | AcctbBusLnCd | /CollRpt/Sumry | The business line of a transaction's content (as opposed to the business line of the program that processes the transaction, which is not always the same). |
New | attribute | CUI_Ind | /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/PlstcCrdDtl/DtaElmt, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/FwireDtl/MssgDtaElmt, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/ChkDtl/DtaElmt, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/TrdgPartnExts/TrdgPartnExt, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/AcctCls/PgmDta/UDF, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/BT_PgmDta/UDF, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/TrdgPartnExts/TrdgPartnExt, /CollRpt/Sumry/Vchr/AcctCls/PgmDta/UDF, /CollRpt/Sumry/Vchr/PgmDta/UDF, /CollRpt/Sumry/TrdgPartnExts/TrdgPartnExt | The indicator denoting whether controlled unclassified information (CUI) is present, such as personally identifiable information (PII). |
New | attribute | DocLnkTxt | This URI refers to an online description of the error or warning that occurred. | |
New | attribute | EchoID | Identifies the unique original Transmission message level identifier. | |
New | element | Err | Contains the error metadata fields. | |
New | attribute | ErrCd | If present, this refers to a table of coded values exchanged between applications to identify errors or warnings. | |
New | attribute | ErrNod | The XPath notation to identify the location of the error/warning present in the instance document referenced by the EchoID attribute. | |
New | element | Errs | Container for each Error item | |
New | attribute | ErrTxt | Provides a short text description of the error or warning. | |
New | attribute | ID | /CollRpt, /CollRpt/Sumry, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/PlstcCrdDtl, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/ACH_Dtl, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/ACH_Dtl/ACH_Btch, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/FwireDtl/MssgDtaElmt, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/ChkDtl/ChkImgRef, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/TrdgPartnExts, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/TrdgPartnExts/TrdgPartnExt, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/AcctCls/PgmDta, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/AcctCls/PgmDta/UDF, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/OrgLvl, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/BT_PgmDta, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/BT_PgmDta/UDF, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/BT_PgmDta/ImgRef, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/TrdgPartnExts, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/TrdgPartnExts/TrdgPartnExt, /CollRpt/Sumry/Vchr, /CollRpt/Sumry/Vchr/AcctCls/PgmDta, /CollRpt/Sumry/Vchr/AcctCls/PgmDta/UDF, /CollRpt/Sumry/Vchr/OrgLvl, /CollRpt/Sumry/Vchr/PgmDta, /CollRpt/Sumry/Vchr/PgmDta/UDF, /CollRpt/Sumry/TrdgPartnExts, /CollRpt/Sumry/TrdgPartnExts/TrdgPartnExt, /CollRpt/TrfrSumry, /CollRpt/FcastSumry | An identifier for the record. For a receiving system, this value can be used to reconcile updates to an existing record and qualify new records. For a sending system, this value can be used to reconcile acknowledgements for the submitted records. |
New | attribute | InfoOnlyTxnCnt | /CollRpt/Sumry/Tot, /CollRpt/FcastSumry/Tot, /CollRpt/Tot | The total number of non-accountable transactions. |
New | attribute | IptSysTxt | /CollRpt, /CollRpt/Sumry, /CollRpt/TrfrSumry/DepInfo | Identifies the sending trading partner. |
New | attribute | SeqNr | /CollRpt, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/PlstcCrdDtl/DtaElmt, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/ACH_Dtl/ACH_Addn, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/FwireDtl/MssgDtaElmt, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/ChkDtl/DtaElmt | Provides a sequential order of items. |
New | attribute | SevrtyLvlCd | This value represents the degree of error where the lowest number "1" is the highest degree of error (i.e. a fatal error) and "9" is the lowest degree of error. | |
New | element | Suc | Conveys the successful receipt or validation of the inbound Transmission. | |
New | element | Sucses | Container for each Success item | |
New | attribute | SucTypCd | Indicates whether the successful result of the inbound document was received or was validated. The server relays a successful business-rules validation by the absence of Warning items or Error items. | |
New | attribute | SumryTotInd | /CollRpt/Sumry/Tot, /CollRpt/FcastSumry/Tot, /CollRpt/Tot | The indicator denoting whether totals represent summarized or detailed transactions. |
New | element | Tot | /CollRpt/Sumry, /CollRpt/FcastSumry, /CollRpt | The container that represents totals. |
New | attribute | TotCnt | /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/FwireDtl, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/TrdgPartnExts, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/TrdgPartnExts, /CollRpt/Sumry/Tot, /CollRpt/Sumry/TrdgPartnExts, /CollRpt/FcastSumry/Tot, /CollRpt/Tot | The total number of items. |
New | attribute | TotCrAmt | /CollRpt/Sumry/Tot, /CollRpt/FcastSumry/Tot, /CollRpt/Tot | The total absolute dollar amount of credits. |
New | attribute | TotCrCnt | /CollRpt/Sumry/Tot, /CollRpt/FcastSumry/Tot, /CollRpt/Tot | The total number of credit items. |
New | attribute | TotDbtAmt | /CollRpt/Sumry/Tot, /CollRpt/FcastSumry/Tot, /CollRpt/Tot | The total absolute dollar amount of debits. |
New | attribute | TotDbtCnt | /CollRpt/Sumry/Tot, /CollRpt/FcastSumry/Tot, /CollRpt/Tot | The total number of debit items. |
New | element | TrdgPartnExt | /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT/TrdgPartnExts, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/TrdgPartnExts, /CollRpt/Sumry/TrdgPartnExts | The container for single records of domain-specific metadata. |
New | element | TrdgPartnExts | /CollRpt/Sumry/BT/FT, /CollRpt/Sumry/BT, /CollRpt/Sumry | The container for domain-specific metadata. |
New | element | TrnsmRsp | Used to identify an application error by either text, code, or by an online description and also to give the status, tag, and/or identification of the record that may have caused the error. | |
New | attribute | TrnsmTs | /CollRpt | Indicates the date and time of a transmission. |
New | element | Wrn | Contains the warning metadata fields. | |
New | element | Wrns | Container for each Warning item |
For help, please contact the Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service Data Registry team. |
Last Updated: 2017-05-02T13:27:48.669-04:00 |
Monday, March 31, 2025 |
This web site is informative only and may contain publishing errors/inconsistencies - please carefully review the appropriate XML Schema documents in the Download section. |