Comment Letters: 31 CFR 203: Payment of Federal Taxes and the Treasury Tax and Loan Program; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Treasury received 59 comment letters from financial institutions regarding the proposed rule, 31 CFR 203: Payment of Federal Taxes and the Treasury Tax and Loan Program. We have provided these comment letters for download (see below). If you have any questions regarding these comment letters, please contact the Cash Management Policy and Planning Division at (202) 874-6590.
Instructions for Downloading Comment Letters:
- All of the comment letters are viewable ONLY in portable document format using version 3.0 of Adobe Acrobat Reader. If your browser is not configured to view PDF files the Adobe Acrobat Reader is free to download.
- You can view each letter by clicking the name of the organization. This will launch your Adobe Acrobat Reader or if you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader, your browser will ask you if you want to save the file. Save the file and then go to the Adobe site to download the free software. Follow their instructions to install the software. You can now run Adobe Acrobat Reader to view each comment letter file.
- All of the comment letters have been scanned. Printing the letter provides best reading results.
Comment Letters Received From (Financial Institutions and Credit Unions):
- 1st Source Bank
- Alamo Bank of Texas
- AmSouth Bank
- Arcola 1st National Bank
- Bank of America
- Bank of North Dakota
- Bank of the Northwest
- Bank One Corporation
- BankBoston N.A.
- BB&T
- Benjamin Franklin Savings Bank
- The Cattle National Bank
- Citizens Bank
- The Citizens Bank of Winfield
- Community National Bank
- Community State Bank of Bowling Green
- Covest Banc
- The Credit Union National Association
- Crestar Bank
- The Dime Savings Bank
- First Banking Center
- First Citizens State Bank
- First Commercial Bank
- First International Bank & Trust
- First National Bank in Wadena
- First National Bank of Illinois
- First Northern Savings Bank
- First South Bank
- First Technology Credit Union
- First Union Corporation
- Fleet Financial Group
- Glacier Bancorp, Inc.
- Johnson International Inc.
- Lindell Bank
- Litchfield National Bank
- Marion State Bank
- Mediapolis Savings Bank
- Mellon Bank
- Merchants & Planters Bank, n.a.
- Michigan National Bank
- National City Bank of Kentucky
- New York Clearing House
- Northern Trust Bank
- The Northern Trust Company
- Ohio Credit Union League
- People's Community Bank
- PremierBank
- Republic National Bank NY
- Southeastern Bank
- State Central Bank
- Sun Country Bank
- TCF Financial Corporation
- U.S. Central Credit Union
- Wachovia Bank, N.A.
- West View Savings Bank
- Western Corporation Federal Credit Union
- Wilber National Bank