Certifying Officer Training
Certifying Officers and anyone involved in making federal payments.
Available 24/7
Disbursing and Debt Management
For questions, please contact Federal Disbursement Services (FDS)
Event Details:
This training provides new and experienced federal certifying officers (COs) and members of the federal payment management community with the content and skills needed to certify the validity of their payments, disbursed on behalf of their agency by the Fiscal Service.
The training will also help COs and members of the payment management community understand their individual and agency responsibility and accountability for ensuring payments are legal, proper, and correct.
Effective November 1, 2018, Designees, who process payment requests for federal entities through Treasury, Fiscal Service, are required by Fiscal Service to complete the Fiscal Service Certifying Officer Training as part of each issuance of new or renewed credentials. The Designee must affirm completion of Fiscal Service Certifying Officer Training within 30 days prior to submission of the form. A certificate of completion is only available upon successfully passing the exam at the end of the training. The certificate of completion must be maintained by the Designee and must be provided upon request to Fiscal Service.
- A Certifying Officer (CO) must be a government employee.
- A Designated Agent (DA) must be a government employee.
- A Data Entry Operator (DEO) can be a government employee or contractor.
The training supplements the instructions found in the Treasury Financial Manual (TFM) at Volume I, Part 4A, Chapter 3000, Requirements for Scheduling Payments Disbursed by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service. More information on this requirement is available in this memorandum.
The CO training offers visually enhanced computer-based modules designed for ease of understanding, navigation, and ongoing reference. The course takes a few hours to complete, and provides a certificate upon successfully passing the exam at the end of the training.
Fiscal Service developed the training as an on-demand resource with continual accessibility for all responsible officers and anyone involved in making federal payments.
- For more information about Certifying Officer Training, see our CO Information sheet.
- Read our Technical Guide for important information about browser and system compatibility.
- Fiscal Service Mandates Federal Payment Certifying Officer
- Certifying Officer Training Release 3.0 Information
- Fiscal Service Releases New Certifying Officer Training