Review each of the five Financial Management Focus Areas and check the box that most closely matches the state of your agency's operations.
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Your Results
From your self Assessment
- Legacy, customized system
- Lack of automated interfaces requiring manual re-entry
- No plans to modernize
- FISMA financial findings exist
- Heavy reliance on manual processes that lead to rework
- No customer service
1. Core Budget & Accounting Operations
You scored this area as "Inadequate"
How to improve your score:
- Legacy, customized system
- Limited automated interfaces
- OMB-approved modernization plan
- FISMA financial findings exist
- Reliance on manual processes with efforts underway to automate
- Limited customer service
1. Core Budget & Accounting Operations
You scored this area as "Basic"
How to improve your score:
- Modern COTS product with limited customizations
- Batch interfaces
- No FISMA financial findings
- Mix of manual and automated processes
- Established customer service processes
1. Core Budget & Accounting Operations
You scored this area as "Capable"
How to improve your score:
- Modern COTS products with no customization
- Mix of batch and real-time system-to-system interfaces
- No FISMA financial findings
- Strategic use of third-party arrangements
- Automated end-to-end processes with predominantly real-time interfaces
- Self-service capabilities
1. Core Budget & Accounting Operations
You scored this area as "Effective"
How to improve your score:
- Modern COTS product with no customization
- Real-time system-to-system interfaces
- No FISMA financial findings exist
- Fully automated, real-time end-to-end processes
- Self-service capabilities widely adopted
1. Core Budget & Accounting Operations
You scored this area as "Leading"
How to improve your score:
- Modified opinion (Disclaimer or Adverse)
- Risks occasionally discussed
- No formal process to manage risks
- Periodic mission failure due to lack of preparedness
2. Financial & Regulatory Controls
You scored this area as "Inadequate"
How to improve your score:
- Modified opinion (Qualified)
- Noncompliant with one or more laws and regulations
- Risks identified and managed in a siloed manner
- Ad hoc process to identify and document risks
- Major risks averted in a reactive, inefficient manner
2. Financial & Regulatory Controls
You scored this area as "Basic"
How to improve your score:
- Unmodified opinion with one or more material weaknesses
- Noncompliant with one or more laws and regulations
- Risks identified and managed across the agency
- Management understands crosscutting agency risks
- Established mitigating controls minimize risk exposure
2. Financial & Regulatory Controls
You scored this area as "Capable"
How to improve your score:
- Unmodified opinion no material weaknesses or significant deficiencies
- Compliant with laws and regulations
- Formal ERM program to identify, document and manage risks across the agency
- Mission programs inherently manage risk
- Risk mitigation enhanced through diagnosis of lessons learned
2. Financial & Regulatory Controls
You scored this area as "Effective"
How to improve your score:
- Sustained (three years) unmodified opinion
- No material weaknesses or significant deficiencies
- Compliant with laws and regulations
- Mature ERM program to identify, document and manage risks across the agency and with external stakeholders
- Culture of proactive risk management
- Agency routinely implements preventive controls and risks rarely become issues
2. Financial & Regulatory Controls
You scored this area as "Leading"
How to improve your score:
- Standard financial reports
- Data is unreliable
3. Data Management & Analytics
You scored this area as "Inadequate"
How to improve your score:
- Standard financial reports with limited ad hoc capability
- Data reconciled and validated periodically
3. Data Management & Analytics
You scored this area as "Basic"
How to improve your score:
- Standard ad hoc reporting capabilities for financial data
- High quality data reconciled and validated regularly
3. Data Management & Analytics
You scored this area as "Capable"
How to improve your score:
- Standard, ad hoc user-driven reporting capabilities
- Integrated financial and program data
3. Data Management & Analytics
You scored this area as "Effective"
How to improve your score:
- Standard, ad hoc, user-driven, analytic reporting capabilities
- Agency-wide access to integrated financial and program data
- Ability to perform advanced analytics (predictive, evidence-based decision-making, etc.)
3. Data Management & Analytics
You scored this area as "Leading"
How to improve your score:
- No structured internal communication function
- Does not meet financial reporting deadlines
4. Communicating Results
You scored this area as "Inadequate"
How to improve your score:
- Operational goals and performance metrics communicated to FM personnel
- May not meet financial reporting guidelines
4. Communicating Results
You scored this area as "Basic"
How to improve your score:
- Organizational performance communicated to agency personnel
- Meets reporting deadlines
4. Communicating Results
You scored this area as "Capable"
How to improve your score:
- Organizational performance communicated to agency personnel and customers
- Meets financial reporting deadlines
4. Communicating Results
You scored this area as "Effective"
How to improve your score:
- Organizational performance communicated to agency personnel and customers on a regular basis
- Meets financial reporting deadlines
4. Communicating Results
You scored this area as "Leading"
How to improve your score:
- No documented FM goals or performance metrics
- Unable to produce cost of agency programs
5. Strategic Planning Mission Support
You scored this area as "Inadequate"
How to improve your score:
- FM goals and performance metrics documented
- No performance targets exist
- Produces macro level cost of agency programs with no insight on cost detail
5. Strategic Planning Mission Support
You scored this area as "Basic"
How to improve your score:
- FM goals and performance metrics documented
- Performance targets exist
- Some performance target met
- Produced detailed annual cost of agency programs and understands cost drivers
5. Strategic Planning Mission Support
You scored this area as "Capable"
How to improve your score:
- FM goals and performance metrics documented
- Performance targets exist
- Most performance targets met
- Regularly produced detailed cost of agency programs and leverages internal benchmarking
5. Strategic Planning Mission Support
You scored this area as "Effective"
How to improve your score:
- FM goals and performance metrics demonstrate year-over-year improvement
- Performance targets updated annually
- Detailed cost estimating
- Forecasting, and external benchmarking drive program decisions
5. Strategic Planning Mission Support
You scored this area as "Leading"
How to improve your score:
NOTE: To retake the test please refresh the page.
Last modified 01/30/23