Cross Servicing Debt Collection System (CSDCS) Artiva In-depth Training
Open to all federal agencies
- Thursday, March 6, 2025
- 9:00 am – 12:00 pm ET
- Tuesday, March 25, 2025
- 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm ET
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Event Details:
This interactive webinar, delivered via Microsoft’s TEAMS software, is designed for federal agencies using the Fiscal Service’s Cross-Servicing program.
CSDCS is the Fiscal Service’s delinquent debt collection system used to collect and administer delinquent federal debt referred by our federal creditor agency partners.
Participants will receive an overview of the Cross-Servicing workflow, debt collection tools, and an explanation of a case’s phase and status in CSDCS.
Participants will also receive a live step-by-step demonstration on how to submit a delinquent debt for collection, how to relist a closed debt, how to research an account, how to post payments received by an agency after the debt has been referred, and how to close a debt.
You do not have to be a CSDCS system user to attend.
Please register using the form below.
We will send out Webinar sign-on access and handout information to registered attendees prior to the webinar. For questions, please contact Denise Hammond at 202-874-7005, or e-mail Denise.Hammond@fiscal.treasury.gov.
Registration Form
Fields marked with an asterisk(*) are required.