30% Disabled Vet Appointing Authority
The 30% or More Disabled Veteran authority allows an agency to non-competitively appoint any veteran with a 30% or more service-connected disability.
You are eligible if you:
- Retired from active military service with a service-connected disability rating of 30% or more; OR
- Have a rating by the Department of Veterans Affairs showing a compensable service-connected disability of 30% or more.
This authority can be used to make temporary or term appointments in the competitive service. There is no grade level restriction. Although not required, the agency has the authority to convert you to a permanent position of it chooses to do so.
More Info
USAJobs Hiring Path Information: https://www.usajobs.gov/Help/working-in-government/unique-hiring-paths/veterans/
For additional information, please contact:
- USA Jobs
- Bureau of the Fiscal Service Home Page
- Job Information
- Audix: 304-480-6144
- For deaf and/or hard-of-hearing individuals:
304-480-8725 - TDD
Interpreter services are available for employees. - Employment Services Division, Applicant Call Center
304-480-7300 - General Information