Agency User Roles
What you can do in SAM depends on the role you are assigned in the application.
For definitions of some of these terms, such as Access Group, Cash Flow Profiles, Primary Access Group, see the Governmentwide Accounting Glossary.
Primary Local Security Administrator (PLSA)
As a PLSA, you can
- add Access Groups below your Primary Access Group
- look at and run reports
- download governmentwide accounting (GWA) Master Agency Location Code (ALC) data
Local Security Administrator (LSA)
As an LSA, you can
- look at and run reports
- download governmentwide accounting (GWA) Master Agency Location Code (ALC) data
You do not have permission to add Access Groups below your Primary Access Group.
Cash Flow Administrator (CFA)
As a CFA, you can
- create and manage Cash Flow Profiles (CFPs) for your Access Group
- choose Access Default rules
- look at and run reports
- download governmentwide accounting (GWA) Master Agency Location Code (ALC) data
Agency Viewer (AV)
As an AV, you can
- look at Access Default rules, Cash Flow Profiles (CFPs), and some business reports
- download governmentwide accounting (GWA) Master Agency Location Code (ALC) data
Data Downloader (DD)
As a DD, you can
- download governmentwide accounting (GWA) Master Agency Location Code (ALC) data